At the Stafford Dance Academy our mission is to inspire and nurture a lifelong love of dance in young and beginner dancers. We are dedicated to providing a supportive and creative environment where each student can explore their potential, develop foundational skills, and build confidence through the art of dance.
The curriculum provided by the Stafford Dance Academy has been created from passion. It is designed as a done for you"plug and play" product that allows Studio Owners/Teachers the confidence to safely provide a balanced and cohesive dance experience for younger dancers.
We offer our curriculum in THREE different formats - SINGLE, DOUBLE AND FULL OUT - which allows you provide the best dance education that fits your dancers needs.
The SDA curriculum is written as multiple 8 week semesters, with each broken up into 2 FUN themes - theme one occurs weeks and theme two during weeks The reas
We offer our curriculum in THREE different formats - SINGLE, DOUBLE AND FULL OUT - which allows you provide the best dance education that fits your dancers needs.
The SDA curriculum is written as multiple 8 week semesters, with each broken up into 2 FUN themes - theme one occurs weeks and theme two during weeks The reasoning behind this is based off of a child's natural process of learning - teach, repeat, recall, remember.
Because of this learning style, the SDA curriculum is considered a spiral curriculum - which means that key concepts/skills/techniques will be presented repeatedly throughout the curriculum, but with deepening layers and complexity.
The Stafford Dance Academy progresses through 4 main curricula each dance season - fall#1(August), fall#2(October), Winter(January) and Spring(March). Supplemental Holiday and Summer options are also available.
Starting with the Fall#1 curriculum and going through to the Spring curriculum will ensure a successful and enjoyable year of learning for your young dancers.
The FULL OUT curriculum comes with props for 10 dancers or teachers.
We do offer a Props in a Box add on, if you are in need of an extra set of props, or coordinating props.
Your success is our priority. The curriculum provided by the Stafford Dance Academy, partnered with your PASSION for dance will make for an exciting and entertaining class that your dancers will LOVE to attend.
Hey y'all - My name is Kimberly Stafford, but, my dancers call me Ms. Kim.
Like many of you, I grew up in the studio. I started dancing as a young child - being thrown into classes, as dancing on the furniture was no longer acceptable at home!
I instantly fell in love with the consistency and structure of the studio, and the pride that went along with the experience when I "got" the steps. I loved the fun and funky expression in my tap and jazz classes, and appreciated that they needed to be paired with the technique found in studying ballet.
Growing up as a child who moved numerous times - for military and job transfers - I really valued the fact that the studio was always there. The people who filled them may have changed, but, a plie was a plie in Chicago and New Jersey! Jazz hands were jazz hands in Los Angeles and Atlanta! The studio provided an instant group of friends and stability with every move.
So, fast forward a few years, and I am dancing at the college level. I am in year ? in my education, and 9/11 happens. It pushed our dance program into a different direction. We were asked to be more expressive in our movement - to tell stories. We rallied together to put on morale boosting showcases, which turned us "bun heads" into choreographers overnight. It was my first experience teaching other individuals and the beginning of my "teacher voice." It is safe to say that I was hooked! As much as I LOVED performing - it could not compare to teaching.
I continued teaching at the college level, but then was asked to teach a group of "littles" at a local studio as well. When I was able to re-live the pride I felt when I "got" the steps, in each one of these young dancers, I knew that my teaching focus was going to be on creating a positive first experience with young dancers, and get them "hooked" on dance!
I quickly found that working with the "littles" had to be a bit more than just spinning and walking around on our toes....but, in order to add substance, it had to be fun. Not just for them, but for me too. I needed to learn how to "sell the sizzle!"
Shortly after this - we moved from Los Angeles to Atlanta. Within a few months, I had a new studio gig - working with "littles." The studio was an adorable studio - full of props and tutus and everything a young dancer envisioned a ballet studio to be! I started with a few classes a week, and quickly worked up to almost 20 a week - that's about 250 little dancers a week! Most of them aged 3-5!
I had found a new studio to "grow up" in. I got REALLY good at my job! I have had people seek out my classes. I have wait lists for classes. I have had most of my dancers for years, and have even taught siblings years later!
For the 6 years prior to my retirement from my previous studio, I had been teaching AND writing curriculum for dancers for that studio and other studios in my local community. I had been conducting the teacher curriculum meetings and have been the "go-to" for the newer teachers - providing one on one assistance when needed. I wrote the new teacher training procedures.
I helped to create the studio's Performance Company, and was the Company Director. I created and choreographed the Company pieces, organized performances in our community outreach, and worked closely with teachers interested in preparing competitive pieces. From day 1, we have had consistent dancer interest and participation.
But now, after almost 20 years of teaching dancers at studios owned by others, it is time for me to find new opportunities to expand a business of my own.
In March of 2020, when the world shut down, and we transitioned to dancing in our kitchens, I started an online program called "Ms. Kim's 15 Minute Recess." It was a lot of fun, for kids of all ages, to keep us moving during lockdown.
In October 2020, I received a phone call from a local after school care facility. They were interested in providing a dance program for the kiddos who were attending their virtual learning camp. We had enough interest to create 2 classes, and all were so excited that we began working on movement for a spring performance.
Since then, the SDA face to face program has out-grown 2 locations and has found a home with a partnership in a local ballroom facility. I have also been able to become a "professional sub" and help out at local dance studios.
I realized that my passion has always been in the teaching of dance - first, myself being taught as a child and then in teaching my countless number of "littles." I enjoy creating the program that gets the "littles" excited to learn the art of movement. I love to watch the joy and pride on a young dancers face when they "get it!" I have fun organizing steps, and patterns, and incorporating props and creative movements.
It's difficult to not feel joy when you are dancing around in bubbles, with a magic wand in your hand, while you're trying to get away from a dragon!
When I am not working - I am a wife, a mom of 2 boys (15 & 9) whom I home school, a sister and a daughter, and I told I'm a pretty good friend! I enjoy hanging out at the ball field, taekwondo gym, losing at Pokemon battles, spending time in the mountains, going for long drives in my hubby's Jeep (almost old enough to be a classic!), SHOPPING, and watching all of the Avengers movies (in order!)
Katie is a former dancer of Ms. Kim. After stepping away from dance to attend college in Alabama, she applied and got accepted to the Disney College program. During her year long internship, she specialized in creating magical moments for all of her guests. She and her husband have been Disney employees since their DCP days. She uses
Katie is a former dancer of Ms. Kim. After stepping away from dance to attend college in Alabama, she applied and got accepted to the Disney College program. During her year long internship, she specialized in creating magical moments for all of her guests. She and her husband have been Disney employees since their DCP days. She uses that same passion to help all those involved with the SDA.
When she's not working, she's hanging out and experiencing life with her husband and 5 year old son.
Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
The Stafford Dance Academy offers Primary ballet and tap classes and Elementary level ballet, jazz and tap classes. The SDA also offers seasonal dance camp options and private lessons.
Students are required to wear appropriate dance attire and shoes for their class. We do not ask dancers to wear a specific colored leotard or tights - there are so many fun options, we encourage dancers to express themselves in their dance wear. Please see our registration form for more information on dress code.
Stafford Dance Academy offers classes for students ranging from age 3 to teens.